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Carpet Cleaning Company Exeter

Get the job done right fist time and save time and money in the process

Carpet cleaners vary greatly in terms of equipment used, insurance, experience etc. Make sure you understand your requirements and what will be required of you prior to their arrival. You can view more advice on choosing the right carpet cleaner for the job and the different methods used for different carpets and fabrics below.

What to expect

The basic process of cleaning carpets and rugs is as follows

  • Dry Vacuuming - Carpets are vacuumed first with an industrial strength machine to remove the loose dirt and dust.
  • Pre Spray - Carpets are then sprayed with a solution which helps loosen ground in dirt and staining.
  • Deep water extraction - The pre spray and all the dirt is blasted with steaming hot water deep into the carpet pile and sucked out at high pressure.
  • Questions

    Before you decide which cleaning company to use, you should prepare some questions so you know exacly what you are getting. No tow companies are the same. Many use slightly different methods. Some will move furniture for you while other may ask that you have moved everything prior to their arrival.

    • Do they have insurance? And what type of cover do they have. Although rare some shrinkage can occur when you wash carpets using hot water
    • What time will they arrive and how long will the job take?
    • Can they work with you in the house?
    • Are your chosen cleaners members of any trade associations or can they proved any references?
      • get the terms of your quotation in writing. Most cleanign companies will proved a detailed list of what is included in their quote and what is expected from you. If you do not receive this, ask for written details via email.

        Get competitive prices for carper cleaning from trusted companies in Exeter today

        Simply enter the start of your postcode or your town to get started. Complete a few simple questions to compare up to 6 quotes for local carpet cleaners.